OakParkNow.com is the brainchild and labor of love for 21 year Oak Park resident Derek Ross, who serves as its volunteer editor and publisher.
Derek has been a resident of the Conejo Valley for over 30 years, is married to his wife Lauren, and the proud father of daughters Molli (15) and Elli (14).

Derek has volunteered for most of his life, having served on the Oak Park Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), the Thousand Oaks Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), and the Red Cross Disaster Assistance Team (DAT).
In 2008, Derek was overwhelmingly elected by the community of Oak Park to serve a four year term on the Municipal Advisory Council. He served as chairman of this council in 2011.
Additionally, during his term on the Municipal Advisory Council, Derek was elected to a two year term on the Oak Park Recreation and Park District Committe which works hand and hand with the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District (RSRPD) which owns and maintains most of the open space in Oak Park. Now over a decade later, Derek is still a member of the committe serving as its chairman for the thrid time (2013, 2015, 2022).
In an effort to keep the community informed, Derek voluntarily created Oak Park Now, which he updates daily. Among the unique features of Oak Park Now are the many video segments highlighting people and services in the community. Derek personally produces these, and interviews others who are involved in keeping Oak Park the great community that it is.
In 2014, Derek was elected as a governing board member on the Oak Park Unified School District where he currently serves as its clerk (President in 2018). He was re-elected in 2018 to serve another four year term. For more information, check out www.derekscottross.com.
Lastly, in 2016 Derek was honored with the prestigious Golden Acorn Award presented by the Community Foundation for Oak Park. This award was established to honor residents for their ongoing volunteer service to the community.
Derek holds a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies, and his professional career is in risk management, where he serves as President/COO, of Kulchin Ross Insurance Services, located in Tarzana.
Derek can be reached at info@oakparknow.com. He welcomes your comments and suggestions.